Saturday, August 30, 2008

Healthy Livin' update - Week 1

This week went great. I ran 6 days in a row, taking a night off last night. I have to say that I still really dislike running. I wish i loved it, but i don't. However, I've made a decision that my desire to run, or my enjoyment of it is not a factor. Just do it. Hey...good for your beat me to the punch. But it's true. If you only did things you wanted to do, you'd never get the important things done. Like showering. I know...some of you just looooove your showers. I hate showering. I hate getting wet, and the time it takes to dry and style my hair. It's the bain of my mornings. However, you can all be thankful that this is another thing in life that I "just do" dispite my dislike for it. I'd rather be lazy. Luckliy for those around's a non-negotiable. Like it or not, I shower. Like it or not....just like my running this week.

I also made a tonne of very healthy eating decisions this week. It's easy when you know what to buy, and stock your house with the good stuff, and don't allow the bad stuff onto your property. Cuz frankly...if it was here...I'd probebly eat it. My reward for my good choices, was a loss of 4 pounds this week. Thats not unheard of for a first will slow down in the following weeks. But it's a nice feeling. My clothes are fitting just a bit looser (is that a word?) already.

I just saw a commercial for McDonalds. Man...I love that place. I know alot of people think it's gross...but I think it's yum-tastic. I'm sure they put some addictve drug in the fries that makes you crave it. And those commercials...c'mon. I'm useless after seeing one. In fact, I'm the only person I know who couldn't wait to get a burger after that documentary "Super Size Me". Everyone kept saying "Eweee...I'm like NEVER gonna eat there again!" All I could think was that it was a big 90 minute commercial for McDonalds. It's like "fat-people's-porn". If you don't wanna get sucked into the McDonald's vortex, you have to avoid it at all costs. Don't go there, and don't watch the commericials. Flip the channel. Watch the commercial for the Swiffer something-or-other. (by the way, thanks to my avoidance of McDonalds commercials, I lost 4 pounds, but came home with a 4 pound Swiffer-vac I guess that makes it even)

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm off to Swiffer the breadcrumbs from my floor.


Brigitte said...

wow Yvonne i am proud of you I admire you determination. Keep up the good work

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

heeh good talking Yvonne:) wishing you tonn's of good luck (with running and healthfood) :) see email, Hug