Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Healthy Livin' update - Week 3

I'm a couple days late. Oh well. I didn't feel like writing about a negative-results-week...but then I figure that if it's about healthy living, then it's still a success even if there's no weight loss.

So, I've started a new eating thing. Diet? Not really. But it's supposed to help (along with the running) get your metabolism back to normal.

So far, it's helped me gain 2 pounds. Oh hurray.

It's based on the charts that say that if you are doing an aerobic activity DAILY, you need more calories. Blah blah. I'm running 6 days a week, resting 1 day. I've mapped out my run, and I do 3 kms a night. It takes me 30 minutes. That means I do 1km in 10 minutes. That's SLOW...possibly a world record...but it's still 30 minutes of aerobic movement. So who cares.

I'm going to assume that the gain is only because I've been doing LOW CAL Weight Watchers for 2 years, and my body is re-adjusting to a high calorie diet.

I'll fill you in about what I'm doing in a couple weeks. If it works. If not...let's just not bring it up again.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

oooow, are doing so good, better than me, you gained 2 pounds, but I didn't loose a gram nada-nothing, went to sportschool 2times x 20 minutes ..last- +this week, can't do "what I would like to do' HELP!.... good you use a low calorie-diet, I always do/already did (safes me some running hahah!) ... I keep my head up, when I see no result.. You too Yvonne!! Keep up the good healthy work! hup hup hup!

Jennifer said...

...and remember, muscle weighs quite a bit more than fat. So if your clothes are fitting better, then you are losing fat and that's the important thing; not how much you weigh.
I'm very proud of you for running so much. Keep up the GREAT work!!! In your latest pictures, you look AMAZING!! Jason must be taking in lots of looks.