Friday, November 14, 2008

Celebrity Rehab 2

My favourite show right now is Celebrity Rehab 2 with Dr Drew Pinsky.

Its a rehab centre, where addicted celebrities have checked in to come off of serious addictions. At first i thought it would be just a stupid show, glamorizing drugs, and yet another un-needed reality show. But it's really been eye-opening. I've cried a few times...just watching these "Celebrity Characters" share their brokenness, addiction, childhood pain...and watch the masks fall off of them. Without all the lights and makeup...they really are just broken little boys and girls who ran to fame and their addictions to cope with their pain. It's powerful to watch them detox...and really...they become quite emotionally naked. I guess when you've done drugs for so long, you haven't spent time really the absence of the drugs wreaks havoc on them, as they actually begin to feel. I'm so impressed at the show, and how they've managed to really keep it real. I think it's more a documentary than a reality show. I'm just such a fan. And I'm learning so much....

I've watched Intervention (another reality-type show about addicts) but I like this one sooo much more. I like CR because A) I know these celebrities. Or at least, the persona they've portrayed on tv or in the media. It's really quite something to see who they really are...and then watch a journey of their trials and triumphs as they walk through recovery. B) Intervention is only spends one episode on each person. So you don't get to follow the person past their 1 episode. But, on Celebrity Rehab, you get to follow the journey of several people for a whole season. I really like that part. it just me...or is this the most boring season of Surivor ever? I think I've found another way to spend my Thursday evening...

(I hear that it's on Sundays as well, on Much Music)


Trudy said...

Well I have to watch that.
Since there has ben so much going on in the news, I have my eyes glued to CNN. But to take a break from that we watch, Reba and Hope and Faith, the last being a bit silly, but their acting is good.

For some reason, I have not been interested at all in those realities shows. May be because my own life is reality enough, hahaha!


Trudy said...

It is also on Saturday at 7pm. Wpg.

Yvonne Parks said...


I have the first 4 episodes on DVD. I can give it to you when you can at least watch 1 and see if you like it.

There are also 2 seasons. Last years, and this years. But it's really better to watch it from the beginning....