Thursday, December 18, 2008


My Dad is a funny guy. He's usually quiet, and then he'll come out with the funniest quip when you least expect it! Here are some of my favorites over the years:

After I gave birth to Anneka, my Dad was holding her for the first time and said:
"Well, Yvonne...this is the best thing to ever come outta you."

When my Mom called from Ottawa to say hi:
"I love hearing your voice, no matter what it says..."

Regarding his dislike for cats and dogs:
"If there are cats and dogs in heaven, I ain't goin!"

About the importance of his grand kids:
"After I look at my grandchildren everything else seems like crap" (tv, material things etc)

His advice about marriage:
"Take it from me...aggravation is better than loneliness"

About his personality:
"A little bit of me goes a long way."

Regarding Church
"A good preacher doesn't need more than 20 minutes. A bad preacher shouldn't TAKE more than 20 minutes!!"

When Mom suggests that he doesn't need another slice of dessert:
"I can't wait till next year when I'm 77...maybe then I'll get to eat what I want"

About Creation:
“Do you realize that Adam was sleeping when God created Eve? For good reason, because God was not interested in Adam’s ideas. Cuz if I were Adam I would have suggested to God to give the woman a bigger bladder so we would not have to stop so often!"

To my Mom about aging:
"Sweetheart, I have a lot more experience in being old than you!"

When my cousin Monica said this about why she tired a trainer at the gym:
"I need a trainer who tells me what to do, who lets me complain, but who does not listen, and above all, who works me hard".

To which Opa replied: "Sounds to me like you need a husband!"


Jennifer said...

I can see Opa saying almost all those things!! Priceless.

Trudy said...

What about this one:
"It is not easy to be Ted Decock, it takes years of practice!"


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Fantastic words, "as always" you can write so well!:)

Merry christmas wishes
JoAnn's D Eyes/Holland

Ted Decock said...

What I said is: After you look at my grandchildren EVERYTHING ELSE IS CRAP. I never commented on the looks of someone elses kids!! TV programs are crap, and stuff on the computer, etc.


Yvonne Parks said...


I've changed it so I'm quoting you correctly. It's still funny tho...

Lynne said...

Dad is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going get!

It's true!

Ren said...

Everybody loves Opa!