Monday, January 26, 2009


I guess I don't drive as much as I used to...considering that I work from home.
But...when I do drive...

I've noticed that really...there are only a couple 'hand signals/gestures" that people universally use. There's the "waving people in" (when letting someone cut in front of you) and then the two main signals. 1) The "Thank you" wave (when someone lets YOU in) and then, 2) when you are totally upset with another driver..."the finger".

I've never given the finger to someone to convey my distaste for their I think it's very crass. So I came up with another gesture to communicate when I'm unhappy with them. The "finger waggle". I've found it effective. It communicates that what they did was naughty, or unkind, and that I disapprove, but I have enough dignity and love for them as a human being to not flip them off. : )

As for my new "thank you" gesture...instead of the boring wave, I've begun to blow a kiss to the other driver. At Christmas time, in a huge traffic line up, a kind lady let me sneak in front of her. I was so I blew her a kiss to say "thanks!". She was tickled pink! I watched her laugh, blush, and put her hand on her chest as to say "oh dear...I'm flattered!" Male drives especially get a kick out of it, but I've found it just a fun way to communicate my appreciation to other drivers!

Yup...I'm starting a "Driver's hand-gesture Revolution"


Nancy said...

This is such a good idea Yvonne. I think I will join you.

Deanna Momtchilov said...

Haha, I don't think I've done the finger wag, but I've defintiely done the head shake to show my disapproval!