Sunday, May 3, 2009

Aila-ism (the Drama Edition)

There's just something about the second-born child....a propensity for drama seems to be attached to that position in the birth-order.

Aila is no exception! In fact, she may be a great case study. :P

She is such a personable. She can start up a conversation with anyone. In fact, you need a high level of commitment when starting up a conversation with her, because she'll keep on going as long as you let her! I think it's so cute, and so funny.

However, on the flip side, she can go from laughter to tears in 10 seconds. There is no in-between. It's either pure joy, or pure suffering.

Today, the neighborhood kids were racing in the yard...running from one end to the other. Anneka beat Aila everytime, and soon we heard the tears.

I found Aila sitting by herself in the backyard on a lawn chair, arms crossed, head down, (the 'pout-position') with tears rolling.

"What's wrong, Aila?"
"I"m having a BAD DAY!" she wailed (she says this every day)
"Awww...why? What happened?"
"Anneka keeps beating me in the race!" she cried

I brought her inside, and she cuddled with Jason, telling him all about her woes.
"Daddy...I'm having a bad day........Why do bad things always happen to me?!?!?"

I burst out laughing. Ah yes....she is her Mother's daughter.


Trudy said...

Awww, she is so cute and huggable. I hate to see her hurt for even just a minute.


Nancy said...

She looks so cute with her hair short...

Lynne said...

I agree, very cute hair cut. It really suits her! It makes her look more grown up.