Friday, February 18, 2011

Losing my Funny

Am I losing my funny?

Its true that if you don't use a muscle, it becomes weak. To keep something strong, you have to exercise it. I fear that my lack of interaction with people is causing my 'funny' to dwindle.

I mean, I used to be so funny! I re-read some blog entries from 7 years ago, and I'm rolling with laughter. What happened? There are a couple theories:

As you age you lose your funny
Impossible. My Dad's dry humour is fully in tact, and he is 78 years old. In fact, he's getting funnier as he ages. Perhaps not even on purpose...
Isolation flattens your funny
Who do I get to be funny with? Funny via email is not as fun. Period. Funny via MSN is not as fun. Nor is funny via phone. For a true experience, you really need to be with people, in person. I don't often get to do this. Maybe I'm losing it?
The "Perfect Storm" of funny
There are some people who I'm just funnier around. In fact, I think they may say they are funnier around me too. It's like this cosmic explosion of personality and shamelessness that causes the ideal environment for funny to take place. Rhonda is one of those people. I think she is simply the funniest person I've ever met. She says the same about me....but also complains that others around her don't always appreciate her humour like I do. She just makes me laugh. And then we're the ear-covering dismay of our husbands.
Jason eventually just eases his way out of the room once we get started. A) because he says the volume in the room becomes unbearable, and there is no way to control it once it's out of control and B) because he will eventually become the 'butt' of our funny. Which is entirely entertaining for us, and not so enjoyable for Jason.
So has my distance from my funny-friend caused me to become dull? Not that Vikki isn't funny...because she is. You should see it when all THREE of us are together. Madness. Add a bottle of wine...and its over. Once I remember the 3 of us sitting in my living room here in Ottawa...and Jason was sitting with us. He was a little quiet...and then finally said with a sense of awe "Wow...this is like sitting in a room with Superman, Spiderman and Batman!" Three amazing people that you enjoy separately, but rarely ever see all together at once! Like I said...the "perfect storm". Oh look...Jason made a funny!! Which begs the question:
Is funny catchy?
Is it catchy? Is it? Sometimes Jason says really funny things. But seriously...if it were catchy...then after 16 1/2 years of marriage...he should be WAY funnier by now. Maybe it's a parent to child thing. Aila is totally hysterical. Her personality is so similar to mine, its eerily enjoyable. I find myself encouraging the madness in her...just for kicks. Like when she eats ice cream in a clear glass bowl...and then decides to lick it clean. Anneka would NEVER do something so unclassy. Either would Jason. My family on the other hand.....The Brussee's (my Mom's side) have made an art of licking the bowl clean. In fact, I'm pretty sure they are all bowl-lickers...every single one of them. While Jason gasps in shock and horror, I'm giving her direction to help find the spots she missed. I'm entirely certain we have time to trim up her manners shortly before shoving her into the dating world.
If a funny falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
Could it be that I'm still as funny as I once was? Perhaps if there is no one to hear the funny, it just ceases to be funny. However, that can't be entirely true...because sometimes I find myself laughing all alone...thoroughly entertained by something I just thought of. But withers quickly without a person nearby to return the volley. So maybe I am funny...but you just can't SEE it because there is no one to laugh. Heck...maybe I'm funnier, but don't even know it!
Immunity to the funny
This is a scientific fact here, class. Ask those who are married to funny people. You just become immune. While the world is rolling in laughter, the spouse is staring at a spot on the floor, mentally re-organizing the spice cabinet. It's kinda like if roses grew like dandy lions. Who cares. I see that everday. Big whoop.
Now, the experienced spouse knows one thing: There is no use trying to curb the funny. Especially in social situations. At the start of the relationship you can try to 'suggest' more appropriate behaviour...but it won't work. It's like the steps of grieving:
Denial - I'm sure this won't be like this for the whole will probably wear off. They will eventually become more calm in social settings.
Anger - Why won't they STOP with the jokes? Seriously?!?!
Bargaining - Look, if you just tone it down a bit, honey....I'll fix all the light bulbs without you ever asking!
Depression - Why me?
Acceptance  - It's clear s/he is never going to we may as well enjoy this particular character trait!
Perhaps my funny is still in tact, but my introspection has gone haywire....somewhat eclipsing my funny. Too much time to think is never a good thing. This blog entry is proof. I should go watch some TV.


Trudy said...

Well, from where I am sitting, you are still funny. This blog is proof of that!

You are right about being married to a "funny " spouse. Sometime friends laugh and I think, "Oh that!"

Once in a while, when I catch on, I'll reply: "That's a good blog item!"

You are right that some people more than others, appreciate the the funny things we say.

My family is very funny, but they are more predicable, as with Dad, it always come as a surprise!

No I don't think you can ever loose your "funnies" Yvonne. They are in your genes, can't shove them to the side, no matter how hard you try.

Please, keep on blogging though!

Love you "Peach"

Ren said...

I think you're hilarious! I'm just sad I don't get to experience/witness your hilarity like I used to. Le boooo.

Vikki said...

I thought this was a very funny post! I look forward to fun on Friday <3