Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Its been birthday-palooza around here!

On May 24th, our baby Anneka turned 12! Impossible! We remember so vividly her being born, and now she is in her last year of kid-dom before entering her teen years. How is it I'm even remotely OLD enough to have a kid who's 12!? (Don't answer that)

Yesterday, Jason turned 39. He is now in his last year of 30-dom before turning 40 and officially being an old fart. How is I'm remotely OLD enough to.....(Don't answer that either) haha

Jason reminds me that I'm turning 39 in January. My head cannot get wrapped around that thought. It just can't be! I don't feel a day older than 17. (And some would say that I don't act a day older either...which is a fact that I gladly embrace.)

Next week, Jason and I celebrate 18 years of marriage. (Insert the "How is it that I'm old enough" mantra here) Never mind that in 2014 I will both be 40 AND married for 20 years. Craziness!

Its fun to tell people I've been marreid that long. They always stare with their mouth open and eyes bugged out and say "What?! Did you get married when you were 12?"
( sweet. Thank you random stranger!)
"Yes...Yes I did. I got married at 12. Or 20. It's all a blur".

Their disbelief comes from the fact that I have pretty good genes. Neither of my parents look their age. And my brother (who is 10 years older than I am) looks 12 years old. We do not complain. Thank you freakish Dutch gene pool!

Anyway, there's been alot of excitement around here. And it's summer. I love summer.
Life is good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually, I can't believe you are that old either, (you remind me of that often enough when I come with some motherly advise) Hahaha!.

Well, in any case, you are about half way, unless a potion is discovered that might extend the average life span.:-)

Love you, MOM