Friday, January 18, 2008

Updates are over-rated.

I guess I should update my blog. I don't really have anything entertaining or funny to report. But here it goes:

I've been struggling with back pain due to long hours (with bad posture) at my computer. I finally had to resort to taking Robax to deal with the pain. It sucked! I had a great massage, and have been trying to sit very straight at my computer, with various pillows and paraphernalia behind my back. It's getting better...but I took a few days off from the computer.

The other night I woke up with horrible abdominal pain. It was reminiscent of the pain I had 10 years ago when I had a botched gall-bladder surgery. We were about to go to the ER, but we decided to pray, and wait a couple hours just to see what God would do. Well, the pain subsided, and I spent the next day just resting.

I had gone online and popped in my symptoms on some medical website. I had every symptom of pancreatitis. I looked at the treatment, and almost died right there! Do you KNOW what they do for pancreatitis? They admit you to the hospital, give you an IV, and do a "Bowel Fast". That means you cannot eat or drink anything for about a week!! For someone who enjoys eating both for entertainment and sport....well...this was like a death-row sentence! Can you imagine?? There is nothing worse than being in the hospital....well...except for medically starving in the hospital. Thank the LORD that I didn't have to endure that! hahah I haven't had anymore attacks, so I'm thankful! Whohoo!

That's all for now...

1 comment:

One of Freedom said...

Why do they call that a fast when it is just bound to slow you down. ;-)

I hate Robax, I find that I lose fine motor skills for a day or so after??? Not sure why, but it is annoying. Back pain sucks - will pray.