Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Aila update part 2

Well...we are home after 2 hours at the urgent care clinic. They are giving her an antibiotic, even tho there is no visible sign of any infection. The 6-day-fever was concerning, but she's on some heavy stuff now, and we'll see how she feels tomorrow!

Her nose bleeds are from a ruptured vessel in the front of her nose....and it's just not healing well.

The conversation went like this:

Doctor: Do you sometimes stick your finger up your nose, Aila? *said in a fun non-accusing way*
Aila: Yup!! Sumtimes I haf to stick my finger up dare to get dose boogers!!
Doctor: I completely understand....however, until your nose is better...No more fingers in there, okay?
Aila: Al-wright...

So we have some ointment to put inside her nose, and a snazzy nose clip to help stop the bleeding.


As I typed this, she threw up on my bed.
Oh the drama!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Poor little Aila Potato.