In the last week, I've noticed that Anneka has really grown up. There's something changing. She's taller somehow. Not just physically, but emotionally. There is a depth and maturity to her personality that has really blossomed this summer. It freaks me out a bit...since I still remember clearly how it felt to hold her as a baby. Now I tease her that she's a giant, and that she really needs to stop growing, because it's "freakin' me waaaay out!!". She smiles this beautiful smile and we laugh together.
Today she laughed in a way that was different. It wasn't the giggle of a kid...but the chuckle of a young girl who was understanding humour of the adults around her. It was striking to me. I had to do a double-take...as if I had just seen her grow another inch right in front of my eyes.

I'm really enjoying her. I always have...but I'm enjoying this stage so much.
Today I told her about the Olympics, what they were, and that they happen every 4 years. It struck me that the next time she watches the opening ceremonies of a Summer Olympics, she will be 12 years old.
Ack! I can't even fathom that reality!!! But I look forward to all of it...
She really is so grown-up. According to her, she's even met the "right boy" already. Ahhh!!
ACK The RIGHT BOY??!?!!!!! get her back here right now so I can wallop her!!!!
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