For you non-Canadians: In Canada, an election was called on Sunday. That means we vote in just a few weeks. (Uh yeah, you Americans could learn something about our lickity-split system of voting! haha) There are 3 main parties. Political Conservatives Party(PC) - rather like Republicans except for the love of guns, the Liberal Party (like the Democrates), and the NDP. (Oh yeah...and a couple others that no one really votes for)
The man introduced himself as the Liberal Candidate for my area.
Liberal Dude: "So, will you be voting Liberal in this election"
Me: ""
Liberal Dude: "Oh. Your not PC, ARE you?" (with his nose scrunched up)
Me: "Yuppers"
Liberal Dude: "Pft...did you know that the PC candidate running in your area doesn't even LIVE in your area??!!"
Me: "Well...honestly....I don't care where he lives. I vote according to issues of moraltiy, not his home address"
*now I was waiting for a come-back about this candidates high morals etc...c'mon man...sell me on why I should even consider voting for you!*
Liberal Dude: "Oh. Okay. Well, have a nice day" (he says while already half-way down my driveway)
I was stunned.
That's it? That's all you've got? I bring up morality, and you basically walk away in a manner that says to me "Oh...those. Sorry, I don't have any of those. I'm gonna just give up now. See ya"
It was pretty funny. All I could hear was Jerry Seinfeld's voice in my head, looking down at George on the floor with his pants around his ankles "And YOU wanna be MY latex Salesman? Pft...I don't THINK so!"
Yvonne, you are so funny!
Uh Yvonne, I'm somebody, and I vote for those other parties.
I stand corrected! What I meant to do was quickly explain to my American readers which parties made up the House of Commons. What I should have said is:
PC - 124 seats
Liberals - 103
Bloc - 51
NDP - 29
Independent and Other - 1
No offence intended.
How disappointing...that's it? Boy, I would expect that from one of the volunteers, but the candidate himself? odd
Oh, and by the way, your Conservative Member of Parliament has lived his whole life in Orleans
Royal Galipeau would be his name ( I clicked too soon)
Good for you, Yvonne! We need some morality back in the discussion.
I stand corrected, he does in fact live outside the riding. But I do very much agree with you......I don't care where he lives. I vote according to issues of moraltiy, not his home address. And in this case, I am very much voting according to Party, not candidate.
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