One of my favourite fast food places to eat is Subway. (eat fresh!) I like that it's all fresh, not fried, and you can not only choose what goes into your lunch, but watch them like a hawk when they do it.
During each visit, the "sandwhich artist" will look at you and say "Would you like that toasted?". To which I respond "No thank you."
What I'm really saying in my head is "Pft...TOASTED? As IF! I know what you're doing, and I'm not falling for it. I know your game, you scammers....I ain't stupid!"
That's right. I said it. Sandwhich Artists? More like "Rip-off-artists!" Let me explain.
A Sub is not a cheap lunch. A footlong can cost $10.00 if you get a pricy one. So I may enjoy the healthy aspect of a sub, but listen people...I'm STILL DUTCH! I watch to make sure that when I order a 6-inch, I get the biggest side of the bun that they just cut. (they usually do give the largest side) I mean they're not using a ruler, so they have to eye-ball where to slice the bread, and usually, they are a bit off. i'm watching them...
But back to the question of toasting. When an item is toasted, the heat from the toaster basically dehydrates your food...taking away some of the moisture. They dry it out, esentially TAKING AWAY part of your lunch.
This morning when I was fixing myself a bagel, I decided to do an experiment because..lets face it...its pretty clear I have a mental problem. Anyway I got out my toaster, and my food scale. I weighed my bagel untoasted. It weighed 116 grams. Then, I toasted the sucker, and weighed it again. 107 grams! Toasting took away 9 grams of my breakfast! That's roughly 9% of tummy-filling-food. Nine grams of "I-just-paid-ten-bucks-for-this-sub".
I think, that if they are gonna take away nearly 10% of your sub by toasting it, they should give you a 10% discount!
Toasted? No thank you! I'm not an idiot!
Or you could look at it as helping you with your diet -- I mean, they ARE taking away 10% of your food intake! lol
Debi...perhaps. However that pulls at all my control issues! If I'm gonna eat 10% less, its because I chose to!! However, I looked it up, and toasting doesn't take away calories (because it just takes out water). So I'm stuck with the same amount of calories, but feel 10% less full, an paid full price!! pft!! hahha
And you say that I am weird?
At least I only ask:
Is the coffee fresh?
Could you make the fries crisp?
Could put the salad dressing on the side?
What about some mayo with the fries? (preferably n/c)
But toasting melts the cheese and gives it a delectable crunch, making it more flavourful. When something's more flavourful, you tend to savour your food and slow down....therefore you may even reduce your rate of consumption by more than 10%, and feel fuller faster!
I think I'll join you in the nuthouse! :P
Yvonne.... you are just too funny for words.
Mom...don't forget:
- You need your water brought "easy on the ice"
- Your soup needs to be very hot.
- And you like your senior discount!!
BUT...I don't add cheese (too many fat calories) And I don't like the crunch. I like it soft, and lots of bbq sauce!
But there is still a seat beside me in the nut-house. C'mon over!!
Yvonne that is right, I forgot about that, hahaha!
I can't believe this. I'm sat at my desk soooo hungry (it's 11am ish here)I come here for 5 minutes to read you blog and what do i get? Brownies Bagels and Subway. No fair. I'm only visiting after lunch from now on!
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