I started this blog 17 years ago, back when most people said "What's a Blog?" (and before Facebook!) Well, I'm still here maintaining this blog when I can, simply to continue archiving all the memories that I have invested here. :)
We moved to Ottawa in August of 2007, but I've spent the previous years of my life in a city called Winnipeg (Ever heard of it?) I've been a worship leader for over 33 years, and I often say that "I don't really like music...I just love worship"
If you like, you click on the CD in the right column of this blog, and hear clips of my album "Only One Love".
And work? I have a small graphic design company (www.pearcreative.ca) specializing in Book Cover Design and marketing materials. I love love LOVE my job!
I share my adventures with my incredible husband of 25 years (Jason) and our two gorgeous daughters aged 16 and 19.
(updated 2019)
If you email me, I'll email you back!
Wow! I can't believe I know a famous person!!!
This looks like you saw these all on one day. You are living a dream.
Yeah...we just walked thru the bookstore quickly, and snapped some pictures when we'd see a book I'd done. We were only in there for a few minutes. Could have found more if we had more time....
Very nice new blog look! Now, how many new blog skins have you done for yourself since you've done mine? 5? Any old ones you want to lend me? You probably think every time you visit my site, " . . . now why doesn't that Lynne get a new look??" Right??
I know what you are thinking . .
BUT if you'd ask me what I'd like, I would say, ". . . . . uh, duh, uh, I don't know . . . "
I keep tellin ya...I'll do a new blog for you. You just have to give me an image to work with!! :P
thanks for showing us your works. Nice job.
The Memories of Captain Sex? That title's an attention grabber.
Ron...uh...that's "The Adventures of Captain Sox"!! It's a kids series! bahahaha
That sure got Ron's attention, that's for sure. He's joking Yvonne, you know that.
Lynne...hehe..yeah..I knew he was being funny. I didn't show the books on "Erotic poetry", or most recent book on "Living on the Down-Low"
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