I started this blog 17 years ago, back when most people said "What's a Blog?" (and before Facebook!) Well, I'm still here maintaining this blog when I can, simply to continue archiving all the memories that I have invested here. :)
We moved to Ottawa in August of 2007, but I've spent the previous years of my life in a city called Winnipeg (Ever heard of it?) I've been a worship leader for over 33 years, and I often say that "I don't really like music...I just love worship"
If you like, you click on the CD in the right column of this blog, and hear clips of my album "Only One Love".
And work? I have a small graphic design company (www.pearcreative.ca) specializing in Book Cover Design and marketing materials. I love love LOVE my job!
I share my adventures with my incredible husband of 25 years (Jason) and our two gorgeous daughters aged 16 and 19.
(updated 2019)
If you email me, I'll email you back!
These are wonderful pictures. My favourite is the one of you all with joined hands, looking over your shoulders.
I adore them. But they make me miss you all so much :(
I agree with Renee, and that particular picture could be an add in a cataloge.
Awesome pictures Yvonne. Beautiful family.
Thanks guys!
That was the photo we thought of sending out at Christmas! (the one of us walking, and looking over our shoulder)
All I could say was: "Awww", and said to Dad: "I miss them so much!"
Beautiful pictures.
Mom (Oma)
You guys are all so beautiful! Who took your pictures?
A friend of ours here named Yvonne Kearns. She's not professional, but she's an artist, so had some cute ideas.
she did a wonderful photo shoot! I would try that with my family but I just know my boys would NOT be smiling sweetly and lookin pretty like your girls ;)
these are really nice pictures of your familly
Great pictures! You have a beautiful family!
Wow, everyone is really looking great! The girls look the same, but I know they must be so much taller than last year. We miss you all.
Yes, really great pictures! I love that you girls are all wearing brown coats. I am looking forward to getting a picture at Christmas :D (The over the shoulder one is my favorite) I really like the first one of Anneka and the one of Aila leaning in the field. Beautiful girls!
Hi Yvonne,
Love the pictures! Can I print the family one of you all for my fridge? Also, did you want to come over for a "Dutch tea" again" :)
Love from the neighbor down the street.
Hey Arlene
We're actually gonna print the family photo and send it with our Christmas card! But we can give you one early, if you like. :) That's the reason we had them taken....we like to give a family picture every year!
I'd love to come for tea!
good idea, send one to me too,(please?)I hope you don't mind me asking this...
I will frame this pics for sure, great lookings, all of you!
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