This is Aila on the dock. This was taken seconds before the pouch she was carrying (filled with Pokemon Cards) was dropped into the water. She screamed, plopped onto her belly and retrieved it, but they were soaked. I tried to dry them off, but just for future reference....don't put Pokemon Cards in the microwave. They don't dry faster, they just spark and catch on fire.

Hey Yvonne! I did the Corporate worship set and I thought of you guys! I hope you are doing well! How was worship leading? Miss You!
Hey, Love those pics. Isn't Autumn gorgeous, just like your little girls!
So OVV was a good fit. I love that church. Anna and Ahren are excellent people. We need to come out an visit OVV again, it has been tooo long. I was supposed to visit Amica (Hosanna) this Sunday, but it didn't work out.
I didn't know ya'll were leading worship again.
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