Really tho, as a Canadian, I'm just a bystander....watching over the fence. Just call me Wilson.
Watching the coverage of the US election has been shocking to me. Moreso, the attitude of people (voters) regarding their political stance. (Both sides, really)
I remember hearing Sarah Palin's first speech. I thought she did a great job at it. In a world of 'plastic game-playing politicians' I liked that she was real. A real person. Go figure! How refreshing in politics! After hearing that first speech, for fun I wrote on my Facebook Status "Yvonne wishes she was American for 5 minutes so she could vote for Sarah!"
Another Christian Canadian wrote in response "Well...then thank God you're not American"
I was shocked. It was only 1 of the many msgs that came into my inbox, insulting my statement.
Had I insulted their candidate of choice? Had I made a political jab? Had I welcomed their criticism for my choice? In a world where "PRO CHOICE" is all the rage....how was it that my statement of 'choice' was a free-for-all and suddenly fired upon with such aggression?
Why is it that tolerance and politeness is preached without end in regards to everything BUT my religion and my politics? You can insult my thoughts about who i would vote for, and even call me (and my choice) names. Hollywood can rage against my faith...and openly mock me (or politicians who share my faith)
And yet...
If anyone were to bring up sexual orientation...and name call on facebook, or on a talkshow in Hollywood, it would be deemed unacceptable. (Because it WOULD BE unacceptable) If you were to use racial slurs, or comment on someone's Jewish or Muslim faith....it would be equally unacceptable. Your acting career would be over if you made a negative comment about "All those Jews..." or "All those Muslims". And yet "All those Christians..." is fair game. Yup. Make one comment about the other faiths....and "Intolerance!" they scream. "People should be free to believe/live what they'd like."
And guess what...I agree! I agree that it's up to you: you are free to believe in whatever god you'd like. You should have freedom to vote for who you'd like without harassment.
But yet....I can't...without being mocked. Huh??
So where is the grand idea of tolerance and freedom when it comes to evangelical faith or politics?
Raising my little girls, I have to ask this too: Why do we name call like immature elementary school kids...and not feel shameful for our behaviour? I'm spending a great deal of effort to teach my children how to speak with respect to others. (Even in disagreement or conflict) But that goes out the window when you start talking political parties. Did you watch the Canadian debates? It was embarrassing! At least the US debates of some sense of maturity and decorum.
I have heard people use words like "idiot" "jerk" or "loser" to describe candidates. (those were the nicest ones) Excuse me, but you have NEVER met these people! (And even if you had...since when is name-calling acceptable social behaviour?) The stabs against Sarah Palin were merciless. Insults about her life, her character, her experience....on and on. "Oh...she doesn't have the experience to be President!" Oh wait....and Regan did? (After a successful acting career?)
It's so easy to be an arm-chair quarterback in politics. To insult a leader, while you work at a job that doesn't carry even a pinch of the responsibility. I think that if you are going to hurl insults, then you better be ready with a solution of your own that carries water....and the guts to get out into the political area and implement it. At least Obama's done that. He doesn't like Bush's governmental decisions, or McCain's opinion on how he'd run things......and he's ready to step up. Wonderful. Go for it. But look at the respectful way he's done it. I admire him for that.
What I don't admire are those of his voters who took out their bats and beat the crap out of anyone who didn't follow or agree with their "choice".
I'd appreciate the opportunity to live under some of that popular tolerance someday....
Hi Yvonne
Personally I would have voted for Obama and I'm a liberal Athiest but I totally respect your opinions and beliefs. We are all different and that's what makes our world such a vibrant and exciting place. You shout your opinions from the rooftops girl, it's your choice and your right!
Love to you and yours XXX
I too was really disappointed at the lack of respect shown by the public and the media in the election campaigns. It was shocking, and disgusting.
I was a fan of McCain, and although I would not have voted for Obama, I think having an African American President has the potential for being very healing.
Very, very well written Yvonne. I could not have done a better job.
I totally agree, we may not agree with some issues of our leaders, but the Bible states: "We are to pray for our leaders!"
But the name calling from all directions I found very hard to take as well!
I am glad you wrote that blog the way you did.
Love you
very well written Yvonne. and I totally agree. It's very frustrating to me that here at work all kinds of groups hold meetings, receptions and conferences. No one makes a peep about it unless it's a christian group. So frustrating!
Coming from your American sister-in-law...you know why all the insults? Because we Americans take Sports, Politics and Religion very personally. Too personally! It's like...if you're not on my side...you're the enemy. Now I have moved away from that a bit because of all that Canadian blood flowing through my house. I hope this gives you a little incite into the insults.
HI again
Since your post I have received some hateful emails about a post on my blog. You should check it out. I can't believe some people
funny....I sincerely thought you were joking when you made your comment on Sarah Palin.......and my reaction was also stated in a joking manner!!! Not at all an insult and not at all mockery......and not at all intolerant...even though I would not vote for her at all. I am British. So, it appears to me you have based your post on a comment you imagined to mean one thing when in fact it was not that at all......... :)
I so agree with you about this. It is very frustrating! Being 'politically correct' is bs because it doesn't apply to everyone - especially not Christians!
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