Sunday, December 7, 2008


So here we are in Toronto....and it's been a blast!! Actually, we're leaving today. We did the 5 hr drive on Friday for the weekend. Jason's company Christmas party was last night, so it was kinda a 'business' trip of sorts! But we got to see our good friend Colette (and her new hubby Dean), have lunch with my cousin Monica, and this morning we're having breakfast with Jason's brother Jon and his wife.

The weather has turned a bit iffy. There's actually snow on the ground here in Toronto! It's really windy, and the road conditions are a bit slushy and snowcovered along our route home. For Winnipeggers, this wouldn't be a problem, but in Ontario, on the 401 in's a problem. Black ice and Snow Squalls can come out of nowhere.

We'll have to take it slow....but the problem is the girls! Jason's Mom Nancy came to watch them where we were away..(such an amazing gift!!) but she had to leave early in order to get home to Peterborough. So Auntie Vikki came to the rescue by taking the girls for Sunday. However, she has a dinner to go to we have to make it home in time!!

Hopefully we won't have to go to a plan C in childcare....we're praying that the roads will be perfect, and we'll be able to get home in good time.

So....pray for us! I miss my girls! : )

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Update... I left at 10:am, and turned around and drove back at 11am. Made it to Carp, which is 20kms. before Carlton. It was impossible to see and highway 7 is not a class one highway to begin with. It is now 2:10 and the sun is shining in Ottawa but the wind is still howling. So, I will miss another day of work...shucks !Better safe than in the ditch... I don't have winter tires and can't aford them wisdom prevails again, though if I had listened in the first place...