True...I have weeds I've got to take care of. I have questions about how those perennials will look this year, and doubts that it will all even look as good as I want it to. And oh yeah, I may just kill them all by forgetting to water them (like last year!) Honest concerns, I think.
But yet...I still have tulips.
Ottawa is like my garden. Spaces of concern. Spaces that make me fret. But yet, I have some super amazing 'tulips'...that I didn't have in Winnipeg. So here they are:
- My husband. My marriage went through some difficult times in our last year in Winnipeg. I wasn't sure it would survive most days. Now, in the hardest transition of my little life thus marriage is the one thing that is the most solid. I'm in love, and my husband is nuts about me. About this, I have no doubt. Big fat wonderful tulip #1.
- My daughters are healthy and thriving. We have such fun as a family. We are always laughing, enjoying each other...amazed by watching our daughters grow into young ladies. I'm so thankful!
- The Catholic School they attend is amazing...solid Christian teaching...for free! Not to mention the French that my girls are learning!
- My house. I love my house. I never imagined I'd have a house so pretty. It's not a big house, and it's not most people's idea of a dream house...but its totally MY dream house! I still walk down the stairs every day and think "I can't believe this is my house!" I love it, and I'm so thankful! I love the hardwoods, the furniture, the layout, how bright it is, the yard, and the trampoline, and the neighbors. I love the street, and that my girls can ride their bikes up and down the road in saftey. I love the abundance of kids (even if they are mostly boys)
- I love this part of town. Orleans is a suburb of Ottawa that actually is the most bilingual community in all of Canada. I love that! I love that my girls are exposed to a second language, and are learning to live in a place full of diversity. I love that Orleans has it's own living in a small town...yet with downtown Ottawa 15 minutes away.
- I love my Vikki. Who would have thought that the girl I accidentally bumped into at a youth event when I was 15 and became fast friends with, would play a huge roll in my life 20 years later. We had only been friends for 18 months before her family moved to Ottawa. Only God could have planned it this way: To give me a an 'old Winnipeg friend" right here, right now, in Ottawa. AND...God drew her and her husband to Himself just in time for us to come and enjoy the party!
- I'm so thankful for my little faithful French friend Brigitte. She's short, has wicked awesome hair, is wildly creative, and is always reaching a hand of friendship to me (Even when I'm all whiny about Winnipeg) She's really special, and I think I like her! :P
Ottawa is clean. After living in the core of Winnipeg, and literally mountains of garbage
strewn about our backlane for's just nice to not have to call the city because of the health violations. If you click on these pictures you will see what I mean. These were actually taken of our neighbor's yard (we shared a driveway). I can count 5 mattresses and 2 couches. It's absolutely incredible when I look at yeah...'clean ottawa' is kinda a nice change
- The weather. Okay...still waaaay too much snow, but it rarely dipped below -25C, which for us Winnipeggers, is still considered "balmy". Yes, it's quite a damp cold here, but still...not as cold as Winnipeg. Fall is longer too...which is nice. Its an actual season, not just a week or 2. It's gonna be 30C here today. Hurray for April weather in Ottawa!
- My job. Since moving here, my work has doubled. At least. And I still love it. I can work from home, not deal with traffic, nap when i wanna, and be with my girls when they need me.
- Jason's job. What a perk-filled blessing! We are often amazed at just how dreamy this job is for him, for us, for our family. Having both of us working from home, it just has so many good points.
So it's not to say that there aren't hard parts....because there are. And good things don't just 'magically cancel' the tough parts of life...but you can purposefully turn your focus to them for a while, and thank God for how good he is. Think about your tulips. They may not be hardwood floors or working from home, they'll be different. But they are the left....beside that little weed.
Great way to look at it! You do have beautiful tulips!
great posts.... I'm happy to be a tulip not a weed :)
luv you!
you THINK you like me! You better rephrase that young lady LOL hehe. that was a nice blog and I am very blessed that God put you on my path.
I wish I would have planted some tulips.
Anybody wanna give me a tulip??!
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