Saturday, May 2, 2009

Product Rave

This is my new favorite snack. The Orange flavoured Creamsicle. Doesn't matter what brand, although the "Creamsicle" brand is slightly better tasting...but there are various no-name versions as well. I buy the generic kind from Superstore. (they have less calories than the name-brand)

They are only 2 points (80 cal), and a nice sweet cold treat. You can't just gobble them down, you kinda have to eat them slowly, and its just a great low-point dessert!

Now, while Googling, I saw that there is actually a sugar-free option of orange creamsicle bars! They are only 20 cal, (1/2 a point!). I've never seen these yet...I'm guessing it's a US thing.



Anonymous said...

Hmmm....yet ANOTHER reason to move to KC????? I'm sure I could find you sugar-free ones! LOL

Diane said...

Thanks for the tip! Sounds delicious!! Hugs and prayers!

Colleen said...

Hey Yvonne, I found the sugar-free ones at superstore! They are yummy!

Yvonne Parks said...


You are my hero! I hope I find them here!!!!