Saturday, November 7, 2009

Waking Up

My neighbours are Muslim. I love them to pieces! We get along with them so's been such a blessing moving here, and having friends live next door. Their son and Anneka are friends, and we share a trampoline, a lawn mower, and the task of caring for our large joined yard. We really love and admire them.

I am always in awe of the fact that they are called to prayer 5x a day. Now, I have my thoughts about their faith...about where Truth is, and the rest of it. But you gotta admit....Islam puts us to shame when it comes to putting aside time for God. In Islam its part of the rules. No such rule exists in Christianity...but rather an invitation.

Problem? We rarely accept this invitation to time with God. Prayer is seen as a long and boring task. Most of us aren't very good at it.

This week Jason and I were at a wonderful conference, and one of the suggestions they made was what they called "The Daily Office". Its an ancient idea really, something monks still do. It's simply this: Taking a small moment, a couple times a connect with God. Doesn't have to be long. Just a connection time.

I looked at it like when you pick up the phone during your day and quickly call your spouse. You ask how things are going listen to their heart for a moment, share how your day has been, say "I love you!" and then go on with your day.

Because I get so distracted during the day, I wondered just how on earth I could find time, or even remember to do this with God.

It dawned on me as the speaker was sharing. I got my phone out of my purse, and set my alarm to ring every day at 10:30, and 2:30. When my phone beeps, I simply turn off my computer monitor, push myself back from the desk, lean back, close my eyes....and 'check in' with God. One minute. Not long. If I want...I can take more time...but it's not about how long. Its about taking a breath from your day, and communing with the Father. Just being still before Him.

Corey Russell suggests that we stop a few times a day, and simply pray one prayer. "God, wake me UP!" So much of the church is asleep. Unaware. God...wake me up!

It's only been 2 days...but I'm already amazed at how refreshing its been. My very own Call to Prayer, twice a day.

A friend mentioned that she may do it too. Set her phone to ring at the same time, so that we'd be having our Call to Prayer at the same time each day. I thought that was so cool!!

I wondered if my friend in Wpg would want to join us. (Setting her clock to 9:30am, and 1:30pm so that despite the time change, we'd all be pausing at the same time) Wouldn't that be cool? A group of women, called to prayer each unison. How cool would that be!!

Wanna join us?


Trudy said...

That is a great idea Yvonne. I certainly would like to do that. Mmm don't know how to set my phone, but Dad sets his timer several times a day to take his medication for Parkinson, ha, good thinking!

Love you sweet

Colleen said...

LOL - you make it sound like you only have one friend in Winnipeg, which I know is NOT true!!!

I have worship music on my mp3 player at work. I take time throughout the day and just listen. I take moments and just close my eyes and listen to the music and connect, it keeps me refreshed through the day. I will set a reminder to do that at 9:30 and 1:30 (my time or yours?)!!

Great idea!!

Yvonne Parks said...


it's 10:30 and 2:30 my time, so 9:30 and 1:30 your time!! : )


Vikki said...

I've been doing it & I love it. I am now adding a chapter of bible reading at that time.

Jennifer said...

11:30 and 3:30 my time?
deal. :)

Jennifer said...

That sounds great to me!! I will try it and then you'll have my phone ringing in the US too.