Friday, August 20, 2004

just when you thought it couldn't be worse

Telletubbies. Every parent knows this show, and regrets the day they showed their kid. Why? The Addiction factor. MUST HAVE TELLETUBBIES! "Tinky Winky tay!" The annoyance level is astronomical for that show. Worse than Barney.

But, the folks at Telletubbies have gone one step further. (Why do they hate us so?) It's called BOO-BAH.

I can't even begin to explain this show to you. It's creepy. Weird. Strange. And my kids love it. I have to admit that I prefer it to that Fluffy or Puffy show that ran for a couple months (before being thankfully axed) It was a show about this Huge Cotton Ball character. You'd see kids in their everyday life run into a problem, then take a cotton ball out of their pocket, roll it around in their palm, and chant "Fluffy Fluffy cotton Puffy" or something, and then BAM....they'd be in Puffy/Fluffy land with their Spirit-Guide-Cotton-Ball. It was so creepy....I can't even find a mention of it on the net. (Yes...yes...that's right...erase all proof of it's existence, was a grand mistake!)

Anyway, I just had to blog about this, because I'm longing for Casey and Finnegan to come back. What about the Friendly Giant? How about Romper Room? Remember the good'ol days? Thank the Lord for Sesame Street. I mean, the entire world can change around you. Countries and Kings rise and fall, but two earthly things stay the same. Sesame Street and the Big Mac.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, thank you! I was trying to tell my dear mom that there was that stupid show (Fluffy fluffy, Cotton puffy, or whatever it was called), worse than the boo-bah's. I have been trying to find it on the web, but no such luck (luck is a strong word...). It has been deleted from records or something! Anyway thanks for the proof I'm not crazy!