I started this blog 17 years ago, back when most people said "What's a Blog?" (and before Facebook!) Well, I'm still here maintaining this blog when I can, simply to continue archiving all the memories that I have invested here. :)
We moved to Ottawa in August of 2007, but I've spent the previous years of my life in a city called Winnipeg (Ever heard of it?) I've been a worship leader for over 33 years, and I often say that "I don't really like music...I just love worship"
If you like, you click on the CD in the right column of this blog, and hear clips of my album "Only One Love".
And work? I have a small graphic design company (www.pearcreative.ca) specializing in Book Cover Design and marketing materials. I love love LOVE my job!
I share my adventures with my incredible husband of 25 years (Jason) and our two gorgeous daughters aged 16 and 19.
(updated 2019)
If you email me, I'll email you back!
Hey Yvonne! I can't wait to see blooms in my garden...!! Those look like Siberian Squill to me. I don't have them but my Grandma had them in her garden and they were just so sweet....they multiply too!!
Lee...you are right!
Scilla sibirica or Siberian Squill (Spring Beauty) THANKS!
WOW!!! My 'garden' (if you can call it that) looks nothing like yours. oh well, there's always next year. HAHAHA I say that every year....I guess I figure one year the snow will melt and I'll just know how to garden :)
We waited until Late Oct or was it Nov? Independent had all the bulbs on for $1.00 per pkg. Now we'll have these every single year...and I never have to do it again!!
That's the kind of thing I like...low price, low effort!
Looks great Yvonne! Now the gardener in me wants to ask are you going to put some more in there? Annuals or something? SuperStore should have some cheap ones coming out now or very soon.
How do I post non-anon.?
Loraleigh...if you scoll down...in this comment box, you'll see an option that says: Name/URL
You can just put your name in there!
And yes! As soon as there is no risk of frost...I'll be planting more!!!!
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