Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well...we are back home in Ottawa! We had quite an adventure in Winnipeg. Including having our van window smashed while we were at Sanctuary. We had a couple dozen of our fav cd's stolen. We can only hope that they bless someone. Or as Anneka said "I'm gonna pray that those bad guys feel guilty, bring our stuff back, and go rob SOMEONE ELSE!!"

They took the cd with our girls' fav song "Hosanna" by Paul Baloche. Aila keeps bringing it up:
"Da bad guys stole Hosanna fwom us!! Did da bad guys steow Hosanna fwom us, Mommy?"
"Yes they did, Aila"
"Yup dey did..."

I tried to explain that I have the song on my mp3 I still have the song available for them to hear...but she seems fixated on the fact that the actual cd was stolen. She told the girl at the shoe store yesterday. Quite funny.

So we had a great time. Family, the beach, time with Rhonda...a couple highlights. Of course, I was working the whole time, so it wasn't as much a break for me...but I feel blessed that I could do both! We got home on Wednesday, unpacked, and I sat down and tackled my inbox of emails. After 6 hours, I was caught up enough to go to bed. Six hours a day is what it seems I'm working now. And if I take a day off...I have to fit in the hours at night, or add them to the next day. Who woulda thought that this retired piano teacher could have so much to do!!

I also have a new job adventure...but that's for another blog.

Today we're heading to Parliament Hill to attend "The Cry". See ya!


Anonymous said...

Hi Yvonne, welcome back! I can't believe you guys were at the Cry and I missed you! I was like a little lost sheep all on my own as Iain was working doing the webstreaming for it. Are you guys free one night this week to hook up for a tea and hot chocolate?!

One of Freedom said...

How was the Cry, we were out of town.