Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Moments of Happiness

I love moments of happiness. Tonight I had a big one, when a big CD project I've been working on came to an end. Not that it wasn't fun, but it's nice when a big project comes to an end. Now I have a day to exhale before the next big thing starts.

But anyway...I was just thinking at how many little things give me that little moment of joy. Some are silly, some serious. But they are all "moments of happiness"

  • watching my daughters sleep, with their butts up in the air. (how is that comfy?)
  • the first 30 minutes after Anneka and Aila leave on the bus for school. The house is so quiet. And I know that the rest of the morning is mine.
  • When my floors are clean
  • When everyone is asleep, and the house is clean...ready for the next day of chaos to ensue. It feels peaceful
  • When the sun shines in the windows, and the house is bright and welcoming. I feel so much that this house is "Home".
  • Anytime when Jason walks through the front door.
  • When I crawl into my amazingly comfy bed, with fresh flannel sheets, that make me feel like I could stay in bed for the next 10 years.
  • When I asked Aila why she was stuffing rocks into the dirt in my garden, and she replied "Because I'm trying to grow them into MOUNTAINS!" comes in so many things. The more I look for them, the more I find.


Jo's-D-Eyes said...

wow Yvonne,
lots of moments of happyness,my best friend returned (from France)to Holland, That is 4 sure my happy moment of the coming days !(read my blog 4 details)

How do can I make a link-list on my blog (like yours) that others can flop it open to read the links?

Wishing you more happy days/moments

Greetings JoAnn

Anonymous said...

So true Yvonne. I find quite often the smaller joys in life are my most favourite - go figure! Just yesterday my daughter and I were giddy at the fact that a robin was using our new birdbath for the first time.

Jennifer said...

I was working on a happy moments list when I saw yours. I promise I was not ganking your idea.. we had simultaneous moments of gratitude. :) Mine will take longer getting up, cause my time management puts Hoover to shame.

I loved your list though! And the butt in the air thing, I totally always did that, still do if no one is looking.. hehehe. It IS comfortable! But don't ask me how!!
SOO Glad your house feels like home!! That's awesome... Even though it isn't in Winnipeg...
growing mountains! HAHA!!!
I'm looking forward to a quiet house... ever...while still telling myself to enjoy these tender, young, never get tehm back years.