Monday, March 23, 2009

Lots to think about...

Not much to say really. Lotsa work lately...keeping me busy. I'm also reading a book called "The Natasha's" about human trafficking. Heartbreaking....

We're slowly trying to find our way through the setting up of Exodus Cry here in Canada. The non-profit status stuff...lotsa legalese. In the meantime, Jason and I are working our way through a library of books on the topic of human trafficking. It's unbelievable that this is happening all around us. Not just far away, but in our city. In your city...

I used to say the old phrase "If what I'm doing helps just one person...then it's all worth it." Now, I have a different perspective. I don't wanna just help one person...c'mon now...this is far beyond 'one person'. I'm not giving my life, and my future for the sake of 'one peron'....heck no....I wanna change the world! At least, that's the perspective I wanna have. Helping one person isn't acceptable to me in a world where the most unacceptable things are occuring. Sure...lets start with one...and move forward from there.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading The Natashas too?! And planning a trip to Moldova in July...

Yvonne Parks said...


Really?? Wow!!!! What will you be doing in Moldova?

His follow-up book "the Johns" is coming out next's gonna be fascinating...

Trudy said...

Very good post Yvonne, with all your compassion I am proud you are my daughter. Love you
