Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

Wow...I can't believe it. The end of 2011. This has been an amazing year. And my first thought? "I wish I had taken more pictures." You'd think that having a husband in the yearbook industry, I'd have an understanding of the value of capturing memories on film (or in our case, digital files) But alas...I haven't taken many photographs. Maybe that can be my new year resolution. Take more pictures. (Hear that Nancy?? MORE PICS! :)

In 27 days, we leave for our cruise. It feels like a dream that I can't quite believe is about to happen! I'm so excited, and yet there are so many things to do.

Sometimes I find it hard to distinguish the difference between a resolution, and a to-do list. Isn't a resolution kinda like a to-do list? Like your "yearly bucket list". If you know me, or have read my blog, you know my aversion to lists. They are bossy little letters of data just taunting me to fail. Well poo-on-you, list...I'm not falling for it! And resolutions are in the same catagory.

I heard a great quote the other day...that I can't quite recall perfectly...but I got the jist. And it was this " me to NOT strive to live by the strength of my own resolution, but to live in, and by your Grace."

So there will be no 'resolutions' for me. Because I'm just a little bit tired of striving in general. So instead my prayer is that I will lean into God's grace, long to long for Him more and more, and surrender my hopes, dreams, money, husband, job, children and life to Him wholly in 2012.

Oh yeah, and take a cruise.

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