Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 1

So, at the encouragement of a friend, Jason and I decided to both take the "Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge".

This centers around the ViSalus 'shake mix' drink. Its a protein shake, but not the usual gross protein shake. Its marketed as "The Shake Mix That Tastes Like a Cake Mix". And they are not kidding!

You are to replace 2 meals with the shake. (Not a problem, imagine being required to have a milkshake for lunch?! Easy!) Then you have 2 healthy snacks, and a sensible dinner. We've just made the same ol dinners as usual.

After week one, I'm down 4.2 pounds.

But more than that...I don't feel tired during the day. No crash. Also, this is the first week in years that I've actually not used a sleep aid to fall asleep!

The shake is packed full of protein, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that have been missing from my diet in a BIG way. So I'm sure my body is just loving this.

I am also avoiding gluten and dairy. I admit, I still have milk in my latte. (only because I tried it with almond milk and almost gagged haha) But we are using almond milk in the shakes. (no taste difference there though)

I'm not OFF gluten, but I'm avoiding it when I can.

For me, it's not about disallowing things...but just making better choices. I usually have either a muffin or a thin bagel for lunch...and now I've had to have the shake. However, because I love icecream...I haven't really missed the bread in my day.

Anyway, I know that most Visalus users are also selling it. I refuse to do that. So this update on my blog will be unbiased. I'm not selling this, and I'm really bothered by all the 'reviews' that are by people pushing it. I just want to give a truthful portrayal of my experience. So I'll be honest.

So far I'm a big fan. But we'll see how the next 83 days go.

1 comment:

Debi said...

So glad you're doing this! Am thinking about starting the 90-day challenge myself. Would love to hear how it's going for you! :)