Thursday, April 30, 2009

At the Market

Jason and I went on a breakfast date yesterday. We ate at this cute diner called Zak's in the Market, downtown Ottawa. After, we walked around hand-in-hand, just chatting, enjoying the sunshine, and looking at the various crafts in the different stalls.

We stopped at one booth of a man who made beautiful jewelery. Much of it looked just like what I used to make! I picked up a ring that looked identical to one I've made, and was looking at it. He began to explain the process, and the materials...and I replied "Yes...I also make jewelery just like this!" He got a big smile and said "OH!!! You should be here, with us, selling it then!!"

I explained that while I loved doing it for a season, the joy was gone when I had to mass produce it! I loved doing it to be creative, but not when I "had" to fill a quota.

He looked at me and said ", then you have a job?"

I was silent.

I didn't know what to say. I stood there looking at him. Was this fellow artist accusing me of having a JOB? Well I never!! I was stunned...I stammered "Pftt...No....well...err...kinda...I'm self it's maybe, kinda a job...but not really...I dont' know...."

We walked away and Jason rolled his eyes. "Why didn't you just say 'Yes, I have a job'!"

"Because..." I squalked "I didn't like him accusing me of having a job!!"
"Huh???" Jason said
"*sigh*'s like he was secretly saying I was a sell-out of an artist, instead of the free-spirit I want to be!!"

Looking back, I think the vendor-guy was just concerned, and if I didn't have another source of income, he was going to encourage me to come sell my wares with him.

I laughed for a few minutes at how defensive I Jason, as always, just rolled his eyes at my sillyness.

After that, we stopped into a bookstore and looked around. I noticed that at one book display, Jason was re-positioning books that had become askew. You know...when the top book on a pile isn't in line with the others. He wasn't really thinking...just naturally fixing them.
When we walked away...I said " sec", and ran back and messed up all the books again.

I laughed; Jason rolled his eyes.

It was a fun date!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Good Things

Its so easy to think about the empty spaces in my garden. I stand there looking, trying to remember what exactly I planted there, how many more weeds will come up, and what kind of flower will look pretty there. I kept looking at all the sprouting weeds, and then it struck me. Why was I so fixated on the empty spaces? They were only the spaces that were in between a dozen or so bunches of growing tulips!! So I have all these tulips that are already a foot tall, and all I can do is look at the spaces between them.

True...I have weeds I've got to take care of. I have questions about how those perennials will look this year, and doubts that it will all even look as good as I want it to. And oh yeah, I may just kill them all by forgetting to water them (like last year!) Honest concerns, I think.

But yet...I still have tulips.

Ottawa is like my garden. Spaces of concern. Spaces that make me fret. But yet, I have some super amazing 'tulips'...that I didn't have in Winnipeg. So here they are:

  • My husband. My marriage went through some difficult times in our last year in Winnipeg. I wasn't sure it would survive most days. Now, in the hardest transition of my little life thus marriage is the one thing that is the most solid. I'm in love, and my husband is nuts about me. About this, I have no doubt. Big fat wonderful tulip #1.
  • My daughters are healthy and thriving. We have such fun as a family. We are always laughing, enjoying each other...amazed by watching our daughters grow into young ladies. I'm so thankful!
  • The Catholic School they attend is amazing...solid Christian teaching...for free! Not to mention the French that my girls are learning!
  • My house. I love my house. I never imagined I'd have a house so pretty. It's not a big house, and it's not most people's idea of a dream house...but its totally MY dream house! I still walk down the stairs every day and think "I can't believe this is my house!" I love it, and I'm so thankful! I love the hardwoods, the furniture, the layout, how bright it is, the yard, and the trampoline, and the neighbors. I love the street, and that my girls can ride their bikes up and down the road in saftey. I love the abundance of kids (even if they are mostly boys)
  • I love this part of town. Orleans is a suburb of Ottawa that actually is the most bilingual community in all of Canada. I love that! I love that my girls are exposed to a second language, and are learning to live in a place full of diversity. I love that Orleans has it's own living in a small town...yet with downtown Ottawa 15 minutes away.
  • I love my Vikki. Who would have thought that the girl I accidentally bumped into at a youth event when I was 15 and became fast friends with, would play a huge roll in my life 20 years later. We had only been friends for 18 months before her family moved to Ottawa. Only God could have planned it this way: To give me a an 'old Winnipeg friend" right here, right now, in Ottawa. AND...God drew her and her husband to Himself just in time for us to come and enjoy the party!
  • I'm so thankful for my little faithful French friend Brigitte. She's short, has wicked awesome hair, is wildly creative, and is always reaching a hand of friendship to me (Even when I'm all whiny about Winnipeg) She's really special, and I think I like her! :P
  • Ottawa is clean. After living in the core of Winnipeg, and literally mountains of garbage strewn about our backlane for's just nice to not have to call the city because of the health violations. If you click on these pictures you will see what I mean. These were actually taken of our neighbor's yard (we shared a driveway). I can count 5 mattresses and 2 couches. It's absolutely incredible when I look at yeah...'clean ottawa' is kinda a nice change
  • The weather. Okay...still waaaay too much snow, but it rarely dipped below -25C, which for us Winnipeggers, is still considered "balmy". Yes, it's quite a damp cold here, but still...not as cold as Winnipeg. Fall is longer too...which is nice. Its an actual season, not just a week or 2. It's gonna be 30C here today. Hurray for April weather in Ottawa!
  • My job. Since moving here, my work has doubled. At least. And I still love it. I can work from home, not deal with traffic, nap when i wanna, and be with my girls when they need me.
  • Jason's job. What a perk-filled blessing! We are often amazed at just how dreamy this job is for him, for us, for our family. Having both of us working from home, it just has so many good points.
Okay. Enough tulips.

So it's not to say that there aren't hard parts....because there are. And good things don't just 'magically cancel' the tough parts of life...but you can purposefully turn your focus to them for a while, and thank God for how good he is. Think about your tulips. They may not be hardwood floors or working from home, they'll be different. But they are the left....beside that little weed.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I feel like I haven't blogged anything of worth in a long time. Truthfully, not much happens around here! I work, play with my girls, eat, and sleep. In that order.

I could tell you about some of the odd clients I have...but that wouldn't be professional. :P Not that designers have client-designer confidentiality..but in a way...we do! I'm doing some....err...interesting (??) books lately. Kinda humorous. It's a really interesting job, I have to say. Oh, and this week, I invoiced my 500th bookcover design. Doesn't that seem like a crazy big number? And I still have 26 books on my 'wall'. (Each book gets a docket sheet, and that sheet gets put up on the wall so at a glance I can see what stage of production the book is in.) This week was tricky, as out of the 26, I had 2 Ron's, 2 Deborahs, and 2 other men with virtually the same first AND last name. I kept hoping I wouldn't send a comic book sample to the family who is doing a memorial book of their mother! :P So far, so good.

I've been working on my new company idea too. I branded my first company this week (Starshine Cleaning). And I also started a website/logo design for my new venture. But today, I noticed that each time I looked at my work regarding the company, I got a knot in my stomach. Something isn't right. Maybe I'm not actually happy with the name? or the logo? or maybe the Holy Spirit is trying to tell me to wait. So I'm gonna put the brakes on, and slow it down. No hurry anyway, right? I'm gonna keep playing with it in my spare time, but try to figure out just what the 'knot' is about. All I know is that I don't feel right. My first impression was to think "Are you scared?" But I'm not scared. I really find new ventures exciting, not scary! But as excited as I am about the whole idea, I still have the knot. A kinda nauseous feeling. That's not good...I know that for sure. So yeah. Time to pause and pray about it.

In other news, Exodus Cry Canada had their launch, and has had 2 prayer meetings since then. I haven't been able to go because of babysitting issues, but hopefully next week I will. Jason is so encouraged by the attendance and the ownership people have begun to take. We also had some really great news last week regarding the freeing of some girls who were being held as sex slaves in a Canadian city...but because of legal investigations and the girls safety, we can't say more then that. Pretty hard for this girl who likes to share her life on her blog!! In this area of our lives, we have to be careful what we say. So you won't hear alot about it on this blog.

On a personal note: Last month I went through a really hard time here in Ottawa. I'd say I was depressed for a couple weeks. I think I scared a couple of my friends too. Just feeling so frustrated. I would work the minimum amount, and crawl back into the saftey of my bed. (My bed is so huge, comfy, and fluffy, that I just love being in it! It's become my 'safe place' when I feel sad.) But I was able to really dig deep and figure some things out about myself, and what I need to do to survive this transition. I didn't expect the transition to take so long...certainly not 2 years. But we're coming up on 2 years in August, and sometimes I feel as lost as ever. Then I hear from people that Ottawa is like that: It takes a few years to feel like home. Crap! Not the news I want to hear!!

I think what I miss the most is just being surrounded by so many amazing friends. Not that I don't know great people here (cuz I know 2 particularly great girls here!)...but when you have years and years of friendship with's so solid feeling. I miss outings with my girlfriends. No one around here does stuff like that really. We did that alllll the time in Wpg...but ....maybe it was ony that way because I was the one who planned many of them! Last week, a friend said "When you left Winnipeg, you took my social life with you!" It seems no one took the "social planning mantel" when I left. :P

I'll have to admit that when I moved here, I really assumed there would be an "Yvonne" type person here that would help jump-start my social life. haha. Jason jokes that the bad news is : I've found out that I have to be my own "Yvonne" here in Ottawa. Do you know how much that sucks!!?? :P I really wanted to rest from being the Yvonne. The social coordinator. I did it not becuase I loved coordinating, but because I was so desperate for the social interaction with groups of girls! And now...I've come to the conclusion that I can't put that hat away here and coast. I have to suck it up and create my own social environment in order to have one that meets my demanding standards!! Heck, I want to love and be if it means I have to put on my bossy-hat and make it be it! (okay..well, maybe I never did take off the bossy-hat..but you know what I mean...)

So instead of crying in my bed about all that's lacking here, I have to attack the problem and be my own solution. But I have to admit...that I have alot of fear that even if I do that, I'll have created some great social systems, and still feel a lack of connection with people. Because true....I can be curious and inquisitive about people...ask them questions...but will they ever want to know about me in return? In the last 2 years...I haven't found that here. And I'm afraid I won't. But alas...I'm gonna have to risk it. Love is just that way...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

StarShine Cleaning

My friend Brigitte started a cleaning company, and I had the opportunity to have her as my first client with my new company. (Which yes, does have a name now! But I'm not ready to launch quite yet!)

Take a look!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Aila's Grad

Ontario is hilarious!! We had no idea that this was coming.....and we laughed when we saw these pictures in Aila's backpack yesterday!!

It seems she is graduating from Sr Kindergarten to Grade 1! (there are 2 years of Kindergarten here, what Manitoba calls Nursery, they call Jr K) So the school makes a big to-do about it. I guess to get the children excited about the following year, growing up, and being in school 'all day'. (Because all kids here are bussed, it means that she will be gone from 8:45 am until 4:30 pm every day)

Kinda cute...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ever tell an atheist about Jesus??

A Muslim's encounter with Jesus

Got 20 minutes? Beautiful!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This made me laugh. If you've ever worked in youth ministry, you'll gets a giggle. Its a little irreverent, but funny.

Ignatius from travis hawkins on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Unexpected Talent

Click the above video image

Friday, April 10, 2009

Soft Pretzel Twists Recipe

Got a bread maker? You'll love these pretzels that taste just like the ones you buy at the movies, in the mall, or at the ball game! Notice there is zero fat in the dough!

  • 6 ounces water
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp active dry yeast

Measure all ingredients into bread maker pan. (wet first, then dry...leaving the yeast for last.) Make a little well in the center of the dry ingredients, and carefully pour the yeast into the well so that it doesn't touch the wet ingredients

Choose the dough or pasta setting on your breadmaker.

Once the dough is done mixing and rising, remove and place on a lightly floured surface. Divide into 12 pieces. Roll into long strands, fold in half, and twist a few times. (you can make the actual pretzel shape if you like)

Place on a lightly greased baking pan. Cover the pan with a tea-towel for 15-20 minutes or so, to let them rise even more. Then bake at 450F for 10-12 minutes or until golden on top.

Eat em warm right out of the oven for the best taste!

I like these with a cinnamon/sugar topping. But you can top them with coarse salt too, if you prefer!

You can melt some butter, and lightly brush the tops. (makes the cinnamon/sugar stick)
Sprinkle some cinnamon into a bowl of brown sugar, mix and dip the pretzels.

But for me, instead of butter, I actually lightly spray the tops of the baked twists with butter flavoured cooking spray....because aerosol will give a lighter (less fatty) coverage than glopping butter on them with a brush. It is way less calories. (a 4 second spray is only 28 calories, 4 g of fat, or 1 Point...and should cover all of them...)

The entire recipe is 18 points (900 cal), thus 12 pretzels are 1.5 points each (or about 75 calories before the topping) I round it up to 2 points, or 100 calories with the topping.


Exodus Cry Launch

Last night was the Exodus Cry Canada Launch/Vision night.

The National House of Prayer
(NHOP) has opened their doors for us to meet there once a week to pray. So that is where we were last night. It's such a NHOP is loved by all the churches in the city (every denomonation)...and seen as neutral ground. We couldn't have a better place to call 'home'!

Jason expected 15 people...but set out 30 chairs because we're classically optimistic. Well...we filled all those chairs! Many of our friends called to say they couldn't make it...which at first was discouraging. But now we know that the people who were supposed to be there...were there. And who knows if we would have had room for any more!! :P

Jason did a presentation that (I thought) was incredible. He clearly explained ECC, and explained the ins and outs of human trafficking and how we need to respond as the church.

One amazing lady drove 6 hours to be there. We had an instant connection with her. She and her husband run a safe-house for victims of abuse, and I got really excited!

See...we can try to help get girls free from trafficking in our city...but where do they go? We need safe-houses...and ideally...we need them far from Ottawa (Saftey for the girls, so that the pimps can't find them) How amazing!! The idea that we can rescue these girls, and then sneak them off to a loving place where they can hide, be introduced to Jesus, be loved, and find's just a dream come true!

Jason is an intercessor. I've always known that. He finds great delight and authority in the place of prayer. Kinda like a duck in water. He feels a call to attack problems in the heavenlies...and see God move. Of course, I love times of prayer...but it's not the place where I flourish. I'm gifted differently. I like to see a problem, and find a solution. (In business, or just in life!) I like to do stuff. Sometimes the only solution is prayer...and I've felt the burden of intercession fall on me in those times. Pacing the floor, and not relenting until I see a miracle happen. But often, I seem to just get the energy and creative ideas from God of how to attack a problem, and see it solved.

That's how I feel about trafficking. I want to find these girls...get a contact in the RCMP....and have a part in raids that rescue these girls. I want to drive them to a safehouse, hang out with them until they feel comfy...and then go and do it again. I want to find ways to raise money here in Canada, and see tonnes of money sent to Cambodia and Thailand to aid in the rescue of children.

Jason says that even tho I don't see it...that what I just typed here IS intercession. (To Intercede means to act on behalf of another person) So maybe I am one after all. Who knows!

But it gets me excited. I think in this, Jason and I are a neat combination of giftings. I look forward to what God will do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have a business idea. I want to start a small company that helps small businesses get started!

The concept is this:

"Helping small business hit the ground running"

So many businesses start, but don't stand a chance against the larger established companies for various reasons. But one reason is that they don't LOOK competent! If you have a poster with tear-off tabs in the grocery store, you don't evoke confidence and stability. I want to help small companies by branding them. Logo, marketing materials, simple website etc.

Then at least, small business has a head start when they begin. They may not have many clients (yet) but they don't have to LOOK that way!!

While I have tonnes of ideas when it comes to company names, I'm finding it really hard to come up with a name for MY company. You have to keep in mind, that the name has to have an available domain name to match. So while Parks Group may be a nice name....the dot-com and dot-ca addresses are taken.

I liked the name Rinna (it means "to run" in Swedish) or the name Rennen (to run, in Dutch) But Rennen is harsh I prefer Rinna. But Jason doesn't like it, and either does anyone seems.

So...anyone got an idea?

Now, keep in mind that I don't want to have a name that is too specific. I don't want it to have "Small Business" in the title, because I want to be open to working with larger businesses as well. If your name is too specific, you elliminate the chance of evolving into something larger.

I'm open to ideas....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Product Rave

Well, it's really more a "Web-Thing-Rave"

There is a site that I use to figure out the nutritional information of my recipes! It's very easy, you just enter the ingredients, and it gives you a full nutritional workup (like you see on packages in the store)

You can enter how many servings, and it will divide up the values into portions. For us Weight Watcher people, this is great! (Then we just have to put the Calories, Fat, and Fibre numbers into our WW calculator, and get the point value.)


Friday, April 3, 2009

Sometimes the Good Guys Win

Loblaws (aka: Superstore) has PULLED the ads! (read here)

They gave a half-hearted apology saying

"On April 1, 2009, we distributed our Joe Fresh Style 'Underthings' flyer which has caused concerns with some of our customers. The 'Underthings' flyer was the first one created for our Joe Fresh Intimates line. We apologize for any concern that this flyer may have caused to our customers."

It seems I wasn't the only one angry about the flyer. They got tons of complaints.

How awesome to see that our voices can be LOUD, hey?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just what is Joe selling?

My Mom alerted me to the latest Joe "Underthings" flyer that came in the mail. Below is my letter to them on their website. If you'd like to write them, go here. OR, email Elizabeth Margles, their VP of marketing at

Dear Joe Fresh,

First...I'm a 35 year old wife, business owner, and mother of 2 young girls.

My question?

How old are the models in your latest Joe underwear flyer? Under 18? Because you look like you are now peddling kiddie porn, not clothing. How irresponsible of you to show young girls giving such inappropriate suggestive looks! What about the young blonde in the "nude" underwear with a pink sweater...she looks like she's posing naked with NO bottoms on. (I had to look really closely to find her underwear) I can't believe you would put such young models in such provocative poses. They are selling underwear, not THEMSELVES!!

I was SUCH a fan of Joe clothing. My children wear ALOT of it, as do I.

However, I will now think twice. I am so outraged. I will NOT support a company that is being SO irresponsible. You are selling to families....what were you thinking?

Your creative director and marketing person should be fired.

I can understand the Victoria Secret catalog having images like this, because they don't hide the fact that they are selling sex. But Joe? Joe is family attire...sports wear. They are selling to families. But 2 things bother me about these photos...not just the "come hither" look on the girls faces, but their age! Just what is Joe selling? Underwear? Or sex with under-aged girls?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Product Rave

Dollarama, you've done it again.

Now, just this week I saw that Dollarama has upped some of their prices. Some things are now $1.25, or $2.00. I wasn't happy about that. In fact, I was outright miffed!! But alas...inflation happens I suppose, and what i found today made me relent, and say "Oh Dollarama...I just can't stay mad at you!!"

I'm a fan of Swiffer products. I love the Swiffer Vac (a must have!) and I love the plain ol floor duster. While the dusting cloths can be a bit pricey, I've been using the normal dry duster for years to mop my floors too. I'd just take a microfiber cloth, wet it, wrap it over (tuck into the holder thingies) and voila! Super clean floors, that dry really fast. Then I'd just throw the cloth into the laundry. appears that Dollarama has not only come out with their own $1 version of the swiffer (you purchase the head for $1, and then a regular boom stick for another $1 if you don't already have one) but they have the dusting cloths too! (Wet and dry types) The best part? They fit your Swiffer brand broom! Oh...and they also have the hand duster refills too.

It gets better! They have these microfibre/chenille dusters that just slip over the swiffer head! You can use them dry, as a duster, or wet as a kick-butt mop! (especially for hardwood floors, this works amazingly! I use a vinegar/water mix as my cleaner, and use this little buddy to get them clean and streak free.) And microfiber has really fast dry-time too!

They are machine washable, tho I wouldn't put it in the dryer, just in case it shrinks. For only $1, you can buy a couple, and always have one handy when one is in the laundry! (the one shown is only a similar kind...the actual one is rectangular, and obviously doesn't bend, since it's wrapped around the swiffer head)


ps...this is also amazing for cleaning the tile in your shower! Because of the long handle, there is no need to step into the tub, and it's done in no time!