Saturday, March 14, 2009

At the Border....

Waiting in line at the border:

Yvonne: So…what are you gonna say?
Jason: Same thing I always say.
Yvonne: What’s that?
Jason: “We’re on our way to Kansas City to visit a church down there”
Yvonne: ….and when they ask what kind? Oh…hey..tell them it’s a cult. Blood sacrifices and stuff. That would be funny.
Jason: Yeah…we won’t tell them about the severed monkey heads in the trunk. *snort snort*
Yvonne: *laughs* yeah…but you know…they only really care about citrus fruit in your trunk. I think monkey heads are okay.


Yvonne: Hey Jason….do you think they have listening devices that can hear into cars?
Jason: maybe…what are those things right there?
Yvonne: Ooooooo…what if those ARE the listening devices? *says really loud* WE’RE JUST KIDDING ABOUT THE MONKEY HEADS!!
Jason: Good Grief! Why are you yelling??
Yvonne: Just in case they were listening…I don’t want to get in trouble
Jason: *rolls his eyes*

Our turn comes at the border:

Customs Agent: “Good afternoon…where are you headed?”
Jason: Kansas City
Customs Agent: And what’s down in Kansas City?
Jason: We’re visiting a church down there.
Customs Agent: A Church hey? You must really like church…
Yvonne: *bends over and calls out the window with a smile* OH…YOU DON’T??
Jason:*mumbles* Oh god…Yvonne…
Customs Agent: Uh…well…I don’t go or anything…no
Yvonne: Well….we’ll have to pray for you then!!
Customs agent smiles in an embarrassed way
Jason: *says quietly* Yvonne…d'ya hafta say everything you think?
Customs Agent: So, all the way to Kansas City for a church hey?
Jason: Yup…there’s a church down there that has had non-stop prayer and music going for 10 years.
Customs Agent: Serious? They must be tired!
Jason: Well…yeah…it takes 400 musicians on shifts that go around the clock.
Customs Agent: Really…wow. Never heard of that. Well…have fun.
Yvonne: Thanks!! We WILL!!!

Driving Away

Jason: You know…just cuz it’s funny doesn’t mean you have to say it.
Yvonne: That WAS funny. I’ll have to blog about that. Where’s my laptop.
Jason: right NOW?
Yvonne: Yup…before I forget!!


Chris said...

That was hilarious!

Lynne said...
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Lynne said...

That is so funny. I would have forgotten too. That would have been a lot to recall. You never know what that border patrol will be thinking about from now on.

Anonymous said...

That was great!! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful time down in KC and say hi to Pam for me!!

Nancy said...

They do have cameras though, and there is a story I will tell you abuot that sometime. A true story and a person I know who is now not ever allowed back into the states . He is not a criminal, just didn't tell the whole truth at the time.

One of Freedom said...

You are bold Yvonne! Great trait!

Jennifer said...

wiping little tears from my laughing eyes.. good stuff. I felt like I was in the car with you. :)
I would so totally do that.
Love you!!

Diane said...

Sounds like something I would do, lol!!! Hugs!