Friday, May 8, 2009


Today I was working in my garden, pulling out some weeds and turning the soil around my tulips.

I looked over at my neighbor's front garden. Its a mess. They haven't touched it in years. Literally. I thought to myself "I wonder if they think I'm crazy for doing this...they obviously don't care about their's not important to them. I wonder if they ever wonder why I put so much care into mine?"

I thought about that for a while, and started to ask myself just why it is important to me. And one thought kept coming back: In my's about diligence.

See...for garden, my home, my body, my marriage, my friendships, my walk with God...they are all the same thing. All interconnected. I'm an all or nothing kinda girl. I don't know how to give myself to one thing, and not another. For me, every time I stop for a moment to pull a weed out of my garden when I walk's kinda a declaration. "Hello garden...I see you there. And while it would be easier to walk by and ignore you, I'm going to give you the attention you deserve. Diligently."

When I give myself in diligence to keeping a clean home, I also give myself in diligence to keeping my body healthy. That's just the way I am. If I get sloppy with one, I get sloppy with the other. For me, it's important...just taking a moment to tidy up here and there instead of walking by and ignoring it. If I'm ignoring that mess, I'm more prone to ignore the other areas in need of 'attention' in my life.

It takes a great deal of effort...but isn't my family worth it? Caring for my home, my garden, my health, my marriage....stopping to talk to Jason when I pass by his office. Kissing him on the cheek repeatedly, just for no reason. Listening to him talk about yearbook stuff, and putting time aside to have real conversations....each time we talk, it's pulling out a little weed. Tidying up our garden, putting that toy in its place. Diligence "Hello husband....I see you there. And while it would be easier to walk by and ignore you, I'm going to give you the attention you deserve. Diligently."

Now that the snow is gone, I'm back into my exercise routines. Everyday, I am trying to do two 30-minute workouts. (weather permitting) A walk in the morning, and a bike ride in the evening. Or 2 walks, or a run and a walk. I'm eating healthy....piles of vegetables, no junk food, no cheating, no eating out. And you's easy! Each day I take a walk, and each day I pull a weed, and each day I tidy up, and each day I cuddle my husband. And what should feel like alot of work, just feels like joy. I'm so thankful for what God has given me, and it's mine to tend. He's only asked me to do it with all my heart.


Jennifer said...

I'm actually leaving this comment for the "I Bleed" post, but there wasn't a commetn option there when I tried.. so here i ma in the wrong section. oh well.

I have been there. I have done pathetic. It's all about desperation. I actually ran up to a girl who had professed to liking me ("Oh You're so great!!! I'll never call or talk to you in my life, but you are SO GREAT! I LOVE YOU!") after a worship service once, putting my hnds on her shoulders, I was in tears, and I said, Seriously -fill in name- can you please reach out to me? Can you befriend me? (don't forget the tears are still flying) I am so desperately lonely I feel like I'm dying. Please ______ ... Didn't ____ just end, and you might have more time now? Maybe? Please?

Ya. That was a low point. She promised to come with a couple other people and "we'll bring you lunch!" She hasn't spoken to me since.
People just don't get it.

At another charity meeting, someone agreed to have coffee with me at at Tims- again, I was lonely and pitiful. This was when I was first sick and didn't feel strong enough to drive. So I got a babysitter, Chris drove me the 30 in. to the Tims, we waited 45 mins, they stood me up; all that I went through to be there was wasted (babysitting, getting a ride!), cause oops, they had some excuse. It has felt like I couldn't pay someone to be my friend.

I dunno what it would be about Ottawa in particular- and what in the world it has in common with Monastery!!! But I have found the same brick wall encounter for the 7 years I've been here. I didn't think I would make it, but apparently I have. I started my blog as a imaginary friend to talk to!!
Now I almost daily remember what you told me years ago, "The internet saved my bacon!" and now it's saving mine.
Not optimum, but better than nothin!

Deanna Momtchilov said...

I need some more diligence in my life. I walk by too many 'messes' and just try to ignore them. Somehow I feel like if I just pour into the REALLY important ones, the rest won't matter. But they do. :(