I often think that if I don't update my status, people will begin to wonder what's wrong with me. lol. But I've been 'gone' for 4 days, and only 2 people actually noticed. lol. I don't say that to say "poor me", in fact...the opposite. Life doesn't fall apart when you just step away and take a break. Quite often I feel the stress of that. "I can't NOT work today....I'll let people down!" Guess what? Its okay! You can take a break...and the world WILL keep spinning. And you won't implode. Nice to know. As a natural people-pleaser, it takes the pressure off.
I didn't think I spent a lot of time on Facebook, but since going off of it, I've decluttered my entire main floor. Its something that's been building up for a couple years. Books, papers, craft supplies, kid art, school letters...all kinda getting pushed into corners. Well, after some organization...the piles are gone. It looks pretty. It feels good. Perhaps the physical speaks of the spiritual. Decluttering is good. Sometimes you just need space from the things that are evoking a feeling of chaos. I'm pulling away from the things that are not bringing life, and pressing into the One who is.
And like I tell my kids...He's a good Father. Trustworthy and safe. So letting Him declutter my life is the way to go.
Here's to saying "so-long" to random piles!

1 comment:
I noticed. -Paul
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